As climate change continues to impact coastal regions, Florida is taking steps to protect homeowners and buyers. The Sunshine State’s latest legislative effort, CS/SB 484: Flood Disclosure in the Sale of Real Property, aims to bring more transparency to the real estate market when it comes to flood risks. This new bill could significantly change how properties are bought and sold in Florida, a state known for its beautiful beaches and occasional hurricanes.

For Buyers

This bill is good news for people looking to buy a home in Florida. Here’s what it means for you:

  • You’ll get more information about flood risks before you buy a house.
  • The seller must tell you if the house has ever had flood damage.
  • You’ll know if the house is in a flood zone.
  • The seller has to share if they have flood insurance.

This information can help you make a smarter choice when buying a home.

For Sellers

If you’re selling a house in Florida, this bill means you’ll need to do a few new things:

  • You must tell buyers about any past flood damage to the house.
  • You have to share if the house is in a flood zone.
  • You need to let buyers know if you have flood insurance.
  • You must give this information to buyers before they sign a contract.

These new rules mean you’ll need to be more open about flood risks when selling your home.